Palim, thought I'd update on a few things here and there, so :P:
- Still working on the album :P
It's taking its sweet time but I didn't forget about it (although I did get side tracked with a few tool-ish projects like "Back Around")
I'll sit down to work on it today even, hopefully that results in the second instrumental demo for "insert album title here" :3
- Some Story-Telling:
Besides the main album project there is also an actual story in the works (that will be told through music & animation!). The musical part isn't really the problem, I already know that I want it to sound a bit like tool since I feel like that would help the story-telling. However I'm unsure on how to to the animation part. Blender is probably the tool of choice in the end :P
That pretty much covers everything, note that this will take a while because of my studies buuuut I'll try to update you with little snippets as soon as there are some ^^
How's your day going? Anything interesting going on :3?
-Remlok (or whatever names I've put here)